





1、Autumn symbolizes maturity and brings joy to people. 秋天象征着成熟,能给人们带来收获的喜悦。

2、In fall, the wind blows the leaves off the trees. 秋天时,风把叶子从树上吹落。


4、The arrival of autumn, so that fruit trees mature. Look, they're laughing apple red, like in autumn aunt let them mature thanks.


6、The setting sun goes down to the west, the autumn wind rustles, the sound of pastoral flutes and the flying reeds、 The lake is blue, the beach is quiet, melons and fruits are fragrant, and the moon is high、

7、In the fall, I like to watch the leaves falling from the trees. 秋天里了,我喜欢看到叶子从树上落下来。

8、We are enjoying the resplendent colors of the New England woods in the autumn我们欣赏着秋天里新英格兰树林的瑰丽色彩。

9、That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.

10、I felt autumn all around me, even in the heat and humidity that will just not let up where we are. 我能够感觉到整个秋天把我包围起来,甚至我的心里也是秋天的影子,潮湿也并不能够使我停止下来。

11、The trees that once brought us harvest leave lonely branches under the devastation of wind and rain、

12、The golden autumn, the sky like a piece of earth sapphire, it has been autumn wipe very clean and beautiful.

13、In the fall, the leaves of both types turn a brilliant red. 在秋天这两种叶子会变成鲜艳的红色。

14、Strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that compares traditional and contemporized architectural styles很强的技巧加强了景色的美感,在传统和现代化了的建筑风格之间的对比。

15、The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。

16、Eg. The book was written by Mr. Liang Shiqiu. 这本书是梁实秋先生写的。


18、That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring那是一幅描绘秋天景色的油画。

19、Autumn, , banyan tree leaves turn yellow, autumn mother-in-law deeply breathed a sigh of relief. 秋天,榕树一些叶子变黄了,秋婆婆深深地吹了一口气。

20、He liked sightseeing . When he met across good scenery, he wrote it down. So in his life . 他一生喜好游览,每遇胜景皆有题咏,写下大量描绘祖国山河、形象生动、风格遒劲的山水诗。


22、the leaves turn to yellow and become fall from the tree.叶子逐渐变黄,慢慢从树


24、The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time.--Richard Cech做许多事情的捷径就是一次只做一件事。--理查德 切

25、Four new species of the genus Begonia L. (Begoniaceae) from Guangxi, China are described and illustrated. 描述了广西秋海棠属(秋海棠科) 的侧膜胎座组和秋海棠组4新种。

26、And yellow leaves of autumn which have no songs , flutter and fall there with a sign. 秋天的落叶,它们曲子可唱,一声叹息,飘零在地上。

27、Qishuang autumn sky, climate is dry, the elderly in the autumn to early to bed and early to rise. 秋季天高气爽,气候干燥,老年人在秋天要早睡早起。

28、Phrases xxxLike Autumn waterxxx and xxxautumn moiréxxx have historically been used to describe the beauty of eyes. 像“如一汪秋水”还有“剪水秋瞳”这样的成语都被用来描摹美目。

29、Tang's mood using music by Youyuan study on three, shows Wang Chuan on the autumnal Zhongnanshan description, showing the mountain springs of the deep space conception. 乐曲运用唐诗的意境,通过幽远的箫声,展示了王维对终南山辋川秋景的描写,表现了空山清泉的深邃意境。

30、Strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that compares traditional and contemporized architectural styles.


32、Because of the influence of Dark Learning, at that time, the realm of Taoism was embodied with sweeping and vague symbolization in the description of hills and rivers. 由于玄学的影响,此时的山水描写多用浑融之象体现“道”的境界,但也有少数诗文开始尝试对山水的具象描摹。


34、They spent two weekends this fall, repairing homes in Jonesville, Virginia. 今年秋天,他们花了2个周末修缮在弗吉尼亚Jonesvilles的房子。

35、When I'm watching him play, it's like I'm enjoying the fruits of my labors. 当我看着儿子打球的时候,感觉就像秋天里收获劳动的果实。


37、Describe the solitude of autumn more, it seems that the wind becomes absurd document intended to rise to, are they just cool and the curtain fall? 描写秋天的寂寥多了,似乎笔风也变得荒意衍生了,难道秋天便只是冷却和落幕?

38、Many clouds are reflected on the clear river; the microwave of fish scales and the green river water add colour to the floating clouds and make them more beautiful、

39、the weather in september was positively autumnal. 我喜欢收集秋天赤褐色的叶子。

40、Like an open sketchbook focused on my Dreams, this land is forever pictured as a comforting Autumn Dusk. 像于我的梦想集中的一个开放写生簿,这土地永远被生动描述作为一个安慰的秋天黄昏。

41、Fall to, chrysanthemum opened There are red, yellow, with purple, and white, very beautiful!秋天到了,菊花开了。有红的,有黄的,有紫的,还有白的,美丽极了!

42、The butterflies that return south are the great-great grandchildren of the butterflies that left for the north. 这年秋天飞回南方的蝴蝶是这年春天飞回北方的蝴蝶的曾曾孙子。

43、Zheng partly agrees. She doesn't like being labeled a xxxmigrant-worker poetxxx, and much prefers to be called a writer xxxwhose poems are about migrant workers' livesxxx. 郑同意其中一部分。她不喜欢被称着“外来农民工诗人”,更愿意被叫着“用诗来描写外来农民工人生活”的作家。

44、A poem is never finished, only abandoned. ---- Paul Valery (1871-1945) 世上没有写完的诗,只有停写的诗。 ——保罗·法勒里(1871-1945)

45、The autumns in Beijing are very beautiful. 北京的秋天都很美。

46、The fallen leaves of the north, rendering a how tragic atmosphere. 北国的落叶,渲染出一派多么悲壮的气氛。

47、Now on one level of this passage, Milton's describing this modern condition as the product of the Fall. 这段中从某个程度来说,弥尔顿描述了现代的情况是秋天的产物。

48、May happiness embrace the love of the whole world, wish you and I can go through the storms of life together、